IPL Photorejuvenation

Steps away from a more even skin tone

Intense Pulse Light (IPL) devices use multiple wavelengths of light to treat sun-induced changes on the face, including brown pigmentation, age spots and broken blood vessels. IPL is also used to treat the facial changes of rosacea, including redness and broken blood vessels.


IPL may be used for these changes on the hands, neck and chest as well. It is safe, non-invasive and is tailored to the individual patient’s skin.

Areas Face Neck Chest Hands
Cost $325-410 Packages Available
Duration 45 Minutes
Frequency 3-6 Months
IPL Photorejuvenation

What To Expect


Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) Photorejuvenation is a treatment for brown spots, redness, age spots, broken blood vessels, and rosacea. IPL devices use multiple wavelengths of light to treat sun-induced changes on the face, including brown pigmentation, age spots and broken blood vessels. IPL is also used to treat the facial changes of rosacea, including redness and broken blood vessels. IPL may be used for these changes on the hands, neck and chest as well. It is safe, non-invasive and is tailored to the individual patient’s skin.

How We Do It

One of our medical aestheticians will consult with you about your desired results and perform a skin assessment. After determining that IPL is the best treatment for you, your provider will numb the area being treated with lidocaine cream for about 30 minutes. This helps to minimize any discomfort the laser may cause. After removing the numbing and cleansing the skin, your provider will begin the treatment. IPL is a fairly quick treatment and feels like a slight rubber band snap in the skin.

Side Effects

Minor swelling, a slight sunburned appearance, skin dryness, and targeted dark spots will appear darker and flake off in a couple of days

Time to Full Effect

You will see results 1-4 weeks after treatment. We recommend a series of three treatments to see the best results.


Questions? We’ve got answers.

What does IPL feel like?

You will feel minor discomfort during your IPL treatment. Most people say IPL feels like a rubber band snapping against your skin. We typically numb you prior to your treatment to minimize any discomfort.

How long will the results of IPL last?

The skin conditions Ipl is treating such as melasma and rosacea are affected by several different factor, so this can vary from person to person. After your initial 3 treatments, most people only need maintenance treatments. The results of your IPL treatment can also be prolonged by using quality skincare products.

What is the downtime for IPL?

There is not any downtime after IPL. You can return to normal activity and even wear makeup 24 hours after your treatment. You may experience minor redness, swelling, and dark spots that flake off after a few days.
Pre-Care Instructions
Post-Care Instructions
Sun Protection
Avoid sun exposure for 1 week prior to treatment and use SPF 30 daily to ensure coverage against UVB and UBA rays.
Discontinue use of Hydroquinone & Tretinoin type products (Renova, Tretinoin, Retin A, etc.) at least 2 or 3 days prior to treatment.
Pain Relief
If you have a history of cold sores, consider beginning prophylactic treatment with Valtrex or similar no later than the day prior to Aqua Facial.
Avoid Botox
Botox and fillers injected up to 2 weeks prior is not recommended.
Talk to Practitioner
Notify the practitioner if you develop a cold sore, acne, open lesions in the area being treated, or experience any type of illness prior to your treatment.
Pain Relief
You may resume normal skin care regimen 2 days after treatment. If skin still feels irritated, test spot your skin care products first.
Discontinue Retina A for 2 days following. Use sunscreen SPF 30 or higher daily.
Sun Protection
Avoid unprotected sun exposure and/or tanning beds for at least 2 days post treatment.

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