
Diamond-kissed radiant skin

Microdermabrasion removes the top-most layer of skin to give patients a smoother, younger look. This procedure improves imperfections, blemishes, hyperpigmentation and wrinkles. A diamond tip wand gently abrades damaged skin cells with tiny diamond chips. The wand removes skin debris to create a rejuvenated appearance. The regular use of microdermabrasion and special skin products will penetrate through the top skin layer to reach the dermis level to replenish natural nutrients, restore cell activity, and promote good skin health. 


Pair with a rejuvenating facial for photo-ready skin that helps you look as great as you feel.

areas Face Skin
cost $130-$180
duration 60 minutes
frequency Recommended Every 4 Weeks For Best Results

What To Expect


By exfoliating the top most layer of skin, microdermabrasion improves imperfections, blemishes, hyperpigmentation, and fine lines to reveal smoother, brighter skin.

How We Do It

One of our medical aestheticians will consult with you about your desired results and perform a skin analysis. Your provider will cleanse the area being treated, then microdermabrasion uses a diamond tip wand to remove skin debris and gently abrade damaged skin cells.

Side Effects

Possible skin dryness or flakiness

Time to Full Effect

Patients often see immediate results, but we recommend monthly microdermabrasion treatments for healthy, glowing skin.


Pre-Care Instructions
Post-Care Instructions
Sun Protection
Avoid use of accutane 6 months prior to treatment. Avoid sun tanning, tanning creams or sprays for at least a week before treatment.
Discontinue use of products containing alpha hydroxy acids, salicylic acid, retinoids (retin a, renova, differin, tazorac, etc), and topical acne products one week prior to your treatment.
Avoid Waxing
Do not wax, tweeze, or use a depilatory on treated areas for a week prior to treatment. Facial hair should be shaved a day before treatment.
Avoid Treatments
Avoid laser hair removal, laser skin rejuvenation, electrolysis, botox and dermal fillers for two to three weeks before treatment.
Symptom Relief
You may have mild redness and minimal swelling for a few minutes up to 48 hrs. You may apply aloe vera or a cold compress. Post Procedure Kit recommended.
Physical Activity
Avoid exercise or excessive perspiration for 24 hours after procedure.
Sun Protection
Avoid direct sun exposure and tanning on treated areas for at least 3 days after treatment. Daily sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 is vital to maintain improved skin.
Salon Treatments
Avoid use of same products above for at least 3 days after treatment. Do not wax, tweeze, or use a depilatory on treated areas for a week after treatment.

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